No matter what you’ve been through, there’s a way forward that’s just right for you

Hi, we're Natalie and Whitney
Tired of working so hard to find your empowerment, but just getting beat down? Exhausted from the near constant stressors of daily life?
Wonder why success and love seem so easy for other people, while you can barely take care of your own needs and get through the day?
You want to be more creative, have deeper connections and more fulfillment. You have a sense that this must be possible somehow, but you know you have to first get rid of the distractions and the weight of limitations.

You wonder if you are capable of more, but don’t know where to start. It’s time to stop dreaming about living a more authentic, better version of your life, and start working toward creating it.
You don’t have to find your path alone— we can help!
In fact, we’ve both had to start from scratch in a lot of areas of life, and we know how daunting it can be to change things, to get out of your comfort zone, to make
your needs a priority, and to make meaningful growth happen (and for new changes to actually stick).
You deserve a greater sense of wellbeing, wholeness and joy. Take the first step today, we are excited to work with you!
We Specialize in

Inner Child Work
Access and heal deeply hidden, unresolved childhood wounds, and set free your sense of wonder and buoyant joy that has been waiting all this time!

Success and Creativity
Connect with your inner creative genius like never before. Find the flow of your intuition, and easily bring life to beautiful ideas and innovative solutions.

Sense of Wellbeing
Free up your body’s natural, self-healing abilities, and begin to experience more energy, lighter and fewer symptoms, and a general feeling that all is well.

Love Letters
I wasn't sure what to expect when I asked Whitney to assess and adjust my adrenals and energy levels. I knew she had years of knowledge and I trusted her ability. But I was absolutely blown away by what she was able to tell me about what was disrupting my overall health and wellbeing. She could tell that certain events from my past had adversely affected my energy and she adjusted all of those things. I felt improvement the very next day and, based on some of Whitney's recommendations, I was able to make some changes in my routine that also helped me feel so much better.

Relationship with Food
Shift into an empowering lifestyle of intuitive eating and feel the freedom and fulfillment that comes with hearing and honoring your body’s unique needs.

Love and Connection
Clear away frustrating, isolating and confusing imbalances, so you can more easily create fulfilling connections and be your best self in any relationship.

Emotional Intelligence
Discover yourself directing the flow of your emotions, bravely growing through each new experience, and developing a profound new strength and wisdom.